9:00 AM |
Visual Studio 2022 and .NET MAUI - the Ultimate Cross-Platform Developer ExperienceMaddy Montaquila |
10:00 AM |
Blazor on Desktop: PWA, Electron or .NET MAUISam Basu |
11:00 AM |
Real-Time Connected Apps with .NET MAUI, Blazor and SignalRGerald Versluis |
12:00 PM |
Lunch break |
1:00 PM |
A Survivalist's Guide to .NET MAUIDavid Ortinau |
2:00 PM |
Responsive and Adaptive Tactics for Blazor ApplicationsEd Charbeneau |
2:50 PM |
Break |
3:20 PM |
Azure Static Web Apps for the EnterpriseStacy Cashmore |
4:20 PM |
From Mono to MAUI - the History of XamarinRichard Campbell |